Hahahaha. I love this shirt!
Some people get it, some people don't.
But there's not much to get!
This shirt has a couple different meanings:
1. Ham is good! I love ham! But I love "jamón" even more. To me, ham is ham. But "jamón" is SPANISH ham -- "Jamón Serrano" or "Jamón Ibérico". It's like Prosciutto, but better.
In the USA, people take bacon very seriously. Well, in Spain, "jamón" is a religion.
You'll see entire pig legs hanging from the ceilings of most bars--and even lots of fancy restaurants.
2. I'm a HAM! Like a ham for the camera! I'm not sure how that expression started. But I still like the shirt.
You like the shirt too? Get one! If you got the...
Ready to ship from S to 2XL. This shirt is printed on the Anvil Ladies T-Shirt.